Macular Degeneration is the loss of central vision due to damage to the retina. The macula is a part of the retina located on the back layer of the eye that affects the center of the visual field. Macular degeneration is often related to age and can be atrophic (dry) or exudative (wet).
The dry form of macular degeneration is most common and there is no medical or surgical treatment. The dry form occurs when debris collects between the retina and the choroid, which can cause scarring of the retina. The wet form is less common, but more dangerous. It occurs when blood vessels grow from behind the choroid, which can leak. This form of macular degeneration can be treated with laser coagulation and medication if diagnosed early.
Macular degeneration is one of the biggest causes of vision loss in adults over 50. Common symptoms include gradually blurred vision, seeing less vivid colors, and obstruction in the center of vision. Peripheral vision can remain intact, but macular degeneration can make daily activities difficult, such as reading or recognizing people’s faces.
Macular Pigment Densitometer
The most essential job that macular pigment does is protect the eyes from a disabling disease called age related macular degeneration (AMD). New technology now allows us to measure macular pigment density. This tool can detect low levels of macular pigment. Non-invasive, easy and painless, the Macular Pigment Densitometer takes less than 10 minutes to test, and after a few moments, measurements are available to read and discuss. If your macular pigment density is low, we can discuss options for increasing its thickness through different treatment options.
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