Do you struggle with getting your glasses clean?
It’s true that some cleaners and some methods work better than others. In addition, the type of cloth you use to clean your eyeglasses can make the difference between clear vision and scratched-up lenses, making it harder to see over time. So, let’s look at the best way to clean your glasses right here.
The Best Cleaner for Your Glasses
You can buy special cleaners over the counter, use readily available household cleaners, or make your own eyeglasses cleaner. Whichever you choose, you’ll want to be sure that your glasses are left clean, clear, and smear free.
With all of the options available, optometrists and eye doctors agree that the best eyeglass lens cleaner is a lotion-free, mild dishwashing liquid soap. Yes, that’s it. Testers have tried different brands and have found that the following liquid soaps work best when cleaning eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses.
- Palmolive
- Joy
- Ajax
- Great Value (Walmart brand)
You can also opt to use a thicker, mild dish soap; just mix one-part water with one-part dish soap. Just be sure to rub gently and not for too long, so that you don’t reduce any special coatings.
Cleaners to Avoid
Avoid dish soaps that contain lanolin and oils for skin softening. These soaps can smear your lenses—even permanently. Also, avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners: ammonia, bleach and bleach-based cleaners, automatic dishwasher soap, turpentine, citrus-based cleaners, polishes, and harsh chemicals. These cleaners can strip away any anti-glare or anti-scratch coatings and cause damage.
Choosing the Right Drying Cloth
What you dry your glasses with is just as important as what you use to wash your glasses. Using the wrong material (napkin, paper towel, facecloth, your sweatshirt, etc.) will damage your lenses over time, creating tiny scratches which will make it more difficult to see.
The best choice to dry your glasses is a clean, soft, lint-free microfiber cloth—available at most retailers. Only use this cloth for drying, not for washing. And avoid rubbing with too much pressure or for too long, so that you don’t reduce any layers of special coating.
Note that any oil in the cloths can coat your lenses and/or reduce the anti-glare/anti-reflective properties.
The Best Way to Clean Your Glasses in 7 Easy Steps
Finally, here are the seven easy steps to properly clean your glasses every time.
- Rinse glasses with clean water. (Use filtered water if you live in a hard-water area to prevent particles in the water from scratching your lenses.)
- Apply one to two drops of dish soap to each lens. (See above.)
- Gently rub both sides of your lenses between your fingers. (Callouses, dry skin, scabs, dry skin, jagged fingernails or rough skin can damage lenses.)
- Clean frames, nose, and temple pieces to remove body oils.
- Rinse glasses thoroughly under warm, running water until the lens surfaces squeak when running your fingers gently across them.
- Gently rub dry to a clear luster with a clean, soft, lint-free microfiber cloth.
- Check your glasses to be sure they are clean. Repeat the process if necessary.
Also, to maintain any coatings, be sure to not clean your glasses too frequently. Keep them as clean as possible and prevent accidents from the start.
When they’re not on your face, put them in their case.
You’ve invested some money in a nice pair of glasses to maintain your best vision possible. By using these best practices to clean your eyeglasses, you’ll ensure that they have a longer life and stay in the best shape possible.
Have questions about the best way to clean your glasses?
Call Dr. Fruchtman TODAY for your Professional Consultation