Your eye exam should last between 20 and 30 minutes. Before your eye exam, we will ask about your medical history and any vision problems you might be experiencing. Your comprehensive eye exam may include some or all of the following tests:
- Standard eye chart
- Eye alignment
- Functional vision tests
- Manual refraction with a phoropter
- Slit lamp exam of the front of the eye
- Applanation tonometry (glaucoma test)
- Exam of retina after pupil dilation
If eye dilation is necessary, we’ll place one or more eye drops used in each eye. The eye drops may sting your eyes a little. (Some patients may experience a medicine taste in the mouth.) Once your pupils are dilated, your optometrist will shine a bright light into your eyes to examine them.
The eye drops may cause your eyes to be temporarily extra sensitive to sunlight. You’ll want to wear sunglasses after your appointment, or we can send you home with special darkening shades until your eyes lose their sensitivity. Some patients do drive themselves home after having their pupils dilated. However, it may be best to arrange alternate transportation home. The effects of the drops usually last between four and 24 hours, depending upon the strength of the drops and each individual patient.
Call Us Today to Schedule Your Wellness Eye Exam!
New Jersey 201-728-9222